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Associació Trenca

Associació Trenca



The Trenca Association is a non-profit organization. It was established in 1998, with the aim of channeling the efforts of people who have a common interest in preserving and improving natural heritage.

The name of the association is the Catalan name of a bird in danger of extinction in the Iberian Peninsula: the grebe (Lanius minor).

Our activities are fundamentally actions and projects that are developed around the conservation and recovery of native fauna and environmental heritage in general (natural, agricultural, landscape, etc.).

Environmental education is a pillar that we consider basic to ensure that human development is compatible with the conservation of the environment.

During all these years of operation, Trenca’s social base has been of vital importance.

On the one hand, we have people particularly interested in the progress of the association through the figures of friends and collaborators of Trenca. On the other hand, we have encouraged and professionalized volunteering and given great importance to communication with society (informative, informative or participatory aspects).

These are our crops

We are more than ecological, it is the way we work and understand farming.

📣Compartim els recursos de què disposem per reduir l`impacte mediambiental i econòmic?

Divendres vinent estarem a Manresa per explicar el projecte "Banc de maquinària compartida" i debatrem sobre experiències amb les companyes d`@einescomunes i Collserola Pagesa @associacio_collserola_pagesa

Apunteu-vos-ho a l`agenda i ens veiem el dia 19!

🕗 18h
📆19 d`abril
📌 @ateneupopularlasequia , Manresa

Organitza: Comunalitat Manresa @comunalitatmanresa i l`Associació l`Era @associaciolera