Cookies policy

On this website we collect and use the information as indicated in our privacy policy. One of the ways in which we collect information is through the use of technology called “cookies”.

What’s a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that is stored in your browser (such as Google’s Chrome or Apple’s Safari) when you browse most websites. The cookie can only be read by the website that sent it to your computer.

What’s not a cookie?

It is not an executable file and cannot spread or contain a virus. It is not a trojan, nor a worm, nor spam, nor spyware, nor does it open pop-up windows.

What information contains a cookie?

Cookies are not used to store sensitive information about you, such as credit card or bank details, photos or personal information, etc. The data they save is of a technical nature, statistics, personal preferences, personalization of content, etc.

The web server is not associated with you as a person but with your web browser. In fact, if you usually browse with Chrome and try to browse the same website with Firefox , you will see that the website does not realize that you are the same person because it is actually associating the information with the browser, not with the person.

What type of cookies are there?

  • Technical cookies: they are the most elementary and allow, among other things, to know when a human or an automated application is browsing, when an anonymous and a registered user is browsing, basic tasks for the operation of any dynamic website.
  • Analytical cookies: they collect information about the type of browsing you are doing, the sections you use the most, products consulted, usage time, language, etc.
  • Advertising cookies: they show advertising depending on your navigation, your country of origin, language, etc.

What are own and other’s cookies?

Own cookies are those generated by the page you are visiting and the other cookies are those generated by external services or providers such as Mailchimp, Mailrelay, Facebook, Twitter, Google adsense, etc.

Which cookies does this website use?

This website uses own and external cookies. Cookies used on this website:

Own cookies:

Personalization: cookies help us remember which people or websites you have interacted with, so we can show you related content.

Preferences: cookies allow us to remember parameters and preferences, such as your preferred language and your privacy settings.

Security: we use cookies to avoid security risks.

External cookies:

This website uses analysis services, specifically Google Analytics to help it to analyze the use made by users of the website and improve its accessibility, but in no case are they associated with data to identify the user. Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. The user can check here the type of cookies used by Google.

Consell Comarcal del Segrià is a user of the WordPress blog supply and hosting platform, owned by the American company Automattic, Inc.. For these purposes, the use of these cookies by the systems are never under control or management of the web manager, they could change their function at any time, and enter new cookies. These cookies do not provide the person in charge of this website with any benefit either.

Automattic Inc. also uses other cookies to help identify and track visitors to WordPress sites, learn about their use of the Automattic website, and their access preferences, as set out in the “cookies” section of its privacy policy.

Social network cookies can be stored in your browser while you browse this website, for example, when you use the Inergy content sharing button on a social network.

Below is information about the social network cookies used by this website in its own cookie polices:

The Consell Comarcal del Segrià uses this data with the ultimate purpose of improving its services.

The information that is stored through this mechanism allows the user to be recognized in different visits to the website, in addition to providing information on the date or time of the visit, measuring some traffic parameters within the website itself and estimating the number of visits made, allowing the Consell Comarcal del Segrià to inform, focus and readjust the services it offers in the most effective way. The cookies used are stored on the user’s hard drive but do not allow reading the data contained therein, nor read the cookie files created by other suppliers. The cookies used are not invasive or harmful, and can be deactivated using the corresponding option in the browser.

Can cookies be deleted?

Yes, and not only remove, also block, generally or specifically for a certain domain. To delete cookies from a website you must go to your browser settings and there you can search for those associated with the domain in question and remove them.

Cookies settings for Google Chrome

Cookies settings for Apple Safari

Cookies settings for Internet Explorer

Cookies settings for Mozilla Firefox

More info about the cookies:

You can consult the regulation on cookies published by the Spanish Data Protection Agency in its “Guide on the use of cookies” and obtain more info about cookies here:

If you want to have more control over the installation of cookies, you can install programs or add-ons to your browser, known as “Do Not Track” tools, which will allow you to choose which cookies you wish to allow.

We are more than ecological, it is the way we work and understand farming.

Aquí us passem un vídeo on us ensenyem algunes de les coses que fem a BioPonent, i us expliquem perquè és important consumir productes ecològics, de proximitat i de temporada!🍏🍇🥕🍐

💚Consumim ecològic, perquè és un tipus d`agricultura que cuida la teva salut i la del medi ambient...però que també sigui ecològic de proximitat, de la nostra terra!🌍

Compreu directe a pagès, a les petites botigues de barri o als mercats setmanals. Aquest petit gest repercuteix directament en el teixit social i econòmic de les zones rurals, dels nostres pobles i barris.

“La Venda de Proximitat està regulada i permet identificar els pagesos
catalans que venen ells mateixos els seus productes al públic, segons el Decret 24/2013”


📰Publicació de "La pedagogia del consum de proximitat" a

💡Us convidem a fer una reflexió sobre la importància de consumir productes de proximitat i ecològics.
Si volem fer un canvi ens els nostres hàbits alimentaris cal posar al centre del debat l’origen d’aquests productes.
👩‍🌾Cal donar suport i potenciar la pagesia local. Si es consumeixen productes de temporada i de proximitat, estem ajudant a què aquell petit productor o productora pugui guanyar-se la vida de manera digna i amb uns preus justos.
🍅Cal, si es pot, anar a comprar a les petites botigues de barri o mercats setmanals. Aquest petit gest repercuteix directament en la vida als barris, en el teixit social i econòmic del barri, poble o territori més proper. És aquesta economia circular la que realment dona un valor afegit a aquests productes.
📗Des de les escoles cal treballar i parlar sobre la importància de consumir com més a prop de casa millor, perquè la riquesa es queda al territori, contribuint a que els petits pobles tornin a tenir vida, que no hi hagi despoblament rural i que es pugui seguir mantenint un estil de vida proper, com pel territori i la seva biodiversitat.
Sabem que és molt més còmode anar al supermercat... però la nostra comoditat és la que està perjudicant en gran part la nostra pagesia.
💪Fem una crida a fer un esforç, encara que suposi invertir una mica més de temps en la nostra compra.

💚Us animem a consumir productes ecològics i de proximitat, per donar suport a la pagesia d’aquí, la que s’estima el territori més que ningú.

⭕La venda de proximitat està regulada i permet identificar als productors catalans que venen els seus productes directament al públic, segons el Decret 24/2013

Podeu llegir l`article sencer a:


🌱 La Cooperativa Pagesa Ecològica SCCL, sorgida fa un any, de l’ADV Ecològica / BioPonent segueix fent passos endavant per poder sortir al mercat el més aviat possible. 🚀

👨‍🌾 Els estem acompanyant, com a projecte interessat en la prova pilot del projecte Singulars que vam obtenir l’any passat, Distrieco, per tal que la seva consolidació sigui el més exitosa possible. 🌿

Fa uns dies els vam acompanyar en una de les seves reunions periòdiques, on es van tractar temes com la planificació, la realització d’analítiques nutricionals per conèixer la qualitat del seu producte, etc. També vam poder gaudir d’una estona de més distensió realitzant una sessió fotogràfica amb el fotògraf @daviddelval per poder tenir material gràfic per a la creació de la pàgina web , material gràfic de difusió, catàleg, enganxines, etc. 🎨

hashtag#projectesSingulars hashtag#vendadeproximitat hashtag#producteecològic hashtag#ametllesecològiques hashtag#bio hashtag#eco hashtag#distrieco hashtag#xes hashtag#economiasocialisolidària

Fa uns quants dies que ja va començar la collita de l’ametlla 🌰 en algunes de les finques de les nostres sòcies.

En aquest vídeo 🎥, podeu veure com treballa el “vano” i el vibrador per fer caure les ametlles 🌳.
Aquesta finca, on tenen reg per goter 💧, està situada a la zona de Tàrrega 📍, a l’Urgell, i la varietat que s’estava collint fa 1 setmana és la “Vialfas” 🕐.
“La Venda de Proximitat està regulada i permet identificar els pagesos catalans que venen ells mateixos els seus productes al públic, segons el Decret 24/2013” 📜

#vendadeproximitat #vendadeproximitatdirecta #vendadeproximitatcircuitcurt #ametlleseco #ametllesecològiques #producteEco #bio #eco