
‘Marketing support’ Project

In 2020 we started a new section within the ADV in order to support the marketing of the products of the associated people. Is is an unsolved and very complexe issue, but one that can make life easier for organic farmers. The idea is to highlight the production method of our associates as a differentiating fact (farming rooted in the territory) and to promote to find new sales channels, in addition to helping to promote projects that arise from them in which local collaborative marketing in enhanced, through direct channels between producers in rural areas and large cities or new ideas that can promote sales where the farmer cannot reach individually. In these channels is where consumption is concentrated and collaboration between farmers is encouraged, a very complex task.

The first steps of the project are:

  • – Participatory consultation where the needs and difficulties are related to commercialization are collected.
  • – Creation of a stamp that reflects the scenary of the farmers who are part of the ADV and what is our way of working, so that those members who want it can make use of it. It’s a participatory process that is taking slowly and firm steps.
  • – Diffusion campaign of the seal to spread our values.
  • – Support in the studies of commercialization projects, where several partners of the ADV participate to see if they are possible and viable.
  • – Revitalization of the sector and establishment of ties between members to enhance networking in the necessary asepcts. Find the common points where to collaborate.
  • – Research funding to support this project, as well as alliances and other similar projects to learn from experiences that are already working.


Altres projectes en curs

Impulsem projectes propis, per ampliar el coneixement, augmentar la biodiversitat, i donar suport a la comercialització.

The OSMIA Initiative

We started this project in 2017 with the aim of increasing the native osmia populations that are decreasing partly due to the lack of shelters and at the same time helping them to be more self-sufficient in the pollination of fruit trees and almond trees. Our breeding of "Osmia cornuta" is released every year on our associates farms.

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Proximity sale

La Venda de Proximitat està regulada i permet identificar els pagesos catalans que venen ells mateixos els seus productes al públic, segons el Decret 24/2013

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'+Biodiversity' Project

Since 2009, we set ourselves a strategic line to increase biodiversity in all farms to make more complex systems and thus be able to reduce health problems in the long term. We believe that organic agriculture, and agriculture in general, must integrate elements of nature that have great benefits for the management of crops.

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We are more than ecological, it is the way we work and understand farming.

📣Compartim els recursos de què disposem per reduir l`impacte mediambiental i econòmic?

Divendres vinent estarem a Manresa per explicar el projecte "Banc de maquinària compartida" i debatrem sobre experiències amb les companyes d`@einescomunes i Collserola Pagesa @associacio_collserola_pagesa

Apunteu-vos-ho a l`agenda i ens veiem el dia 19!

🕗 18h
📆19 d`abril
📌 @ateneupopularlasequia , Manresa

Organitza: Comunalitat Manresa @comunalitatmanresa i l`Associació l`Era @associaciolera


Tant si ja esteu gaudint d`aquestes vacances com si sou dels bons, com nosaltres 🤪 i les comenceu demà... volem proposar-vos un petit joc per compartir amb tota la família!

L`altre dia vam visitar una finca d`ametllers d`un soci, a la Portella. Enmig d`aquesta fantàstica coberta de trèvol hi vàrem trobar un trèvol de 4 fulles 🍀🍀

Què, el trobeu?? 🧐

Que tingueu molt bona Setmana Santa, i que pugueu gaudir de la natura, família, amistats i aire lliure, encara que plogui, que benvinguda sigui tota l`aigua que caigui!!! 🌿🐞☔️☀️🌊🧘🏽