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Ramon Sans Sans


C. Prat de la Riba, 20, 25140 Arbeca

Tel.660 594 435

Being a farmer comes from my family tradition. I decided to go organic, because at that time I saw that we were applying too many chemical products and that we could do things in a different way in order not to harm the environment, being more respectful of the fauna and flora of the environment. So following this interest, I started going organic in 2012.

The ADV helps me a lot in the area of ​​advice on pests and diseases, because in the ecological field you have to be more foresight and have a different mentality, more open and tolerant towards pests, thinking that what we want to generate is a balance of the environment. At the same time, being part of the ADV is interesting, because it has allowed me to be in contact with colleagues with the same concerns, as well as being able to exchange points of view and meet people who are dedicated to the same. Sometimes it is necessary, since not everyone understands what you are doing and it becomes difficult to be able to share knowledge (talking about phytoseiids, floral margins, osmia, … among others). I like to think about working and building by networking between people.

I have apples that are sold from the cooperative. The Gala apple starts in mid-August, which takes a week, and then in September comes the Golden. Almond trees, olive trees in mid-September and some cereal (bread wheat and vetch) will follow.

My grain of sand is aimed at trying to bring nature back into balance and favoring biodiversity, as well as trying to spend the minimum inputs possible and reduce the ecological footprint linked to the transport of production. Act on the way to be self-sufficient and enjoy food sovereignty, spread the idea of ​​diversifying food, reduce unnecessary consumption and avoid the huge use of fossil fuels.

These are our crops

We are more than ecological, it is the way we work and understand farming.

📣Compartim els recursos de què disposem per reduir l`impacte mediambiental i econòmic?

Divendres vinent estarem a Manresa per explicar el projecte "Banc de maquinària compartida" i debatrem sobre experiències amb les companyes d`@einescomunes i Collserola Pagesa @associacio_collserola_pagesa

Apunteu-vos-ho a l`agenda i ens veiem el dia 19!

🕗 18h
📆19 d`abril
📌 @ateneupopularlasequia , Manresa

Organitza: Comunalitat Manresa @comunalitatmanresa i l`Associació l`Era @associaciolera


Tant si ja esteu gaudint d`aquestes vacances com si sou dels bons, com nosaltres 🤪 i les comenceu demà... volem proposar-vos un petit joc per compartir amb tota la família!

L`altre dia vam visitar una finca d`ametllers d`un soci, a la Portella. Enmig d`aquesta fantàstica coberta de trèvol hi vàrem trobar un trèvol de 4 fulles 🍀🍀

Què, el trobeu?? 🧐

Que tingueu molt bona Setmana Santa, i que pugueu gaudir de la natura, família, amistats i aire lliure, encara que plogui, que benvinguda sigui tota l`aigua que caigui!!! 🌿🐞☔️☀️🌊🧘🏽