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Vallbona de les Monges

C. La Plana, s/n, 25268 Vallbona de les Monges

Tel.973 33 02 76

L’Olivera is a work cooperative and social initiative in the rural and peri-urban world. We cultivate vineyards and olive trees and produce organic wines and oils incorporating people with difficulties throughout the process, putting our capacities at the service of a common project.

We started this adventure in 1974 in Vallbona de les Monges, in the dry interior of Catalonia, with the idea of ​​creating a community of life and work that, on the one hand, integrated people with difficulties, especially those in more social situations disadvantaged and, on the other hand, proposed a productive economic exit based on the area’s own values.

The social axis is at the core of the productive project, through a project on a human scale that puts people at the center. For this reason, we maintain manual work on the vines and olive trees, label by hand and number the bottles one by one. We are interpreters of the land and we work it applying the criteria of ecological agriculture. Our challenge has always been to make products that are based on agricultural heritage and that are a reflection of their land and its people.

Since 2010 we have also been in Can Calopa, a farmhouse in the Collserola Natural Park where we recover the vineyard and produce the only wine in the city of Barcelona. A social agriculture project that also generates opportunities for social inclusion for young people with special needs. An experience that vindicates agricultural activity linked to large cities.

These are our crops

We are more than ecological, it is the way we work and understand farming.

📣Compartim els recursos de què disposem per reduir l`impacte mediambiental i econòmic?

Divendres vinent estarem a Manresa per explicar el projecte "Banc de maquinària compartida" i debatrem sobre experiències amb les companyes d`@einescomunes i Collserola Pagesa @associacio_collserola_pagesa

Apunteu-vos-ho a l`agenda i ens veiem el dia 19!

🕗 18h
📆19 d`abril
📌 @ateneupopularlasequia , Manresa

Organitza: Comunalitat Manresa @comunalitatmanresa i l`Associació l`Era @associaciolera


Tant si ja esteu gaudint d`aquestes vacances com si sou dels bons, com nosaltres 🤪 i les comenceu demà... volem proposar-vos un petit joc per compartir amb tota la família!

L`altre dia vam visitar una finca d`ametllers d`un soci, a la Portella. Enmig d`aquesta fantàstica coberta de trèvol hi vàrem trobar un trèvol de 4 fulles 🍀🍀

Què, el trobeu?? 🧐

Que tingueu molt bona Setmana Santa, i que pugueu gaudir de la natura, família, amistats i aire lliure, encara que plogui, que benvinguda sigui tota l`aigua que caigui!!! 🌿🐞☔️☀️🌊🧘🏽