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Jordi Rubiol Gorgues

Ivars d’Urgell

Pl. Dr Segarra, 12, 25260 Ivars Urgell

Tel.639 816 050

We are Jordi Rubiol Gorgues and Rosa Cots Begué, and it has been more than 20 years since we decided to take care of the family lands as much as possible. That’s how it was, we registered them in the organic.

Over time, the estates themselves and our experience push us to take a step further and now for a few years we have been training and applying learnings of biodynamic agriculture and soil regeneration to the lands they take care of.

Our main products are corn, peas, barley and vetch. In recent years we have added soybeans to our crop rotations.

We are constantly learning and open to all the knowledge that the earth offers us every day.

These are our crops

We are more than ecological, it is the way we work and understand farming.

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🕗 18h
📆19 d`abril
📌 @ateneupopularlasequia , Manresa

Organitza: Comunalitat Manresa @comunalitatmanresa i l`Associació l`Era @associaciolera