
Conference “Nutrition and Health. Can we prevent pests and diseases through plant nutrition?’

Last November 10th, 2021, we organized an online conference to discuss the relationship between plant nutrition and crop health. This issue remains a puzzle of unresolved issues. Knowledge around the subject is evolving with the appearance of new technologies that allow the producer to assess the internal chemical imbalances that the plants suffer. During the day we discussed this complex subject in depth, with Albert Lacunza, a collaborator of the ADV. Albert has a long career as a agricultural advisor for organic crops in our region, and currently, he’s also Agronomy Manager at the Nuup platform in Mexico. During the meeting, he provided us with useful information on how a balanced nutrition can help us to manage pests and diseases, giving us examples from his experience as an advisor.

From the ADV Ecològica, we presented the first results obtained from the trials we carried out during the 2020-21 season, with the aim of reducing some of the most problematic pests in organic fruit farms, such as Hyalopterus aphids and the pear lace bug (Stephanitis pyri).

The day was a great success, thanks to the support and organization of the Ponent Leader Association. It was very interesting session, as there were more than 80 participants who had many questions and contributions.

We are very pleased that an people continue to view the video of the sessions, which is available on virtual platforms.

If you want to keep up to date about future meetings and activities carried out by the ADV Ecològica, follow us in Instagram http://@advecologicaponent and Facebook .


We are more than ecological, it is the way we work and understand farming.

📣Compartim els recursos de què disposem per reduir l`impacte mediambiental i econòmic?

Divendres vinent estarem a Manresa per explicar el projecte "Banc de maquinària compartida" i debatrem sobre experiències amb les companyes d`@einescomunes i Collserola Pagesa @associacio_collserola_pagesa

Apunteu-vos-ho a l`agenda i ens veiem el dia 19!

🕗 18h
📆19 d`abril
📌 @ateneupopularlasequia , Manresa

Organitza: Comunalitat Manresa @comunalitatmanresa i l`Associació l`Era @associaciolera


Tant si ja esteu gaudint d`aquestes vacances com si sou dels bons, com nosaltres 🤪 i les comenceu demà... volem proposar-vos un petit joc per compartir amb tota la família!

L`altre dia vam visitar una finca d`ametllers d`un soci, a la Portella. Enmig d`aquesta fantàstica coberta de trèvol hi vàrem trobar un trèvol de 4 fulles 🍀🍀

Què, el trobeu?? 🧐

Que tingueu molt bona Setmana Santa, i que pugueu gaudir de la natura, família, amistats i aire lliure, encara que plogui, que benvinguda sigui tota l`aigua que caigui!!! 🌿🐞☔️☀️🌊🧘🏽