Saturday we participated in the @fessrural_ held in Vallfogona de Riucorb 🍑 📣 This was our first fair as BioPonent, the name by which you will know our organization from now on. And the fact is that ADV is a name that has become too small for us and that does not reflect everything we do (Bank of shared machinery, Relleu generational, Espais Test…) this does not mean that the @advecologicaponent ceases to exist but that it will be the technical part of advice in the field as before, along with the rest of the projects and acting under this umbrella that is now BioPonent. 📚🤝🏻🔬 🍏🍐 We were able to share space with organizations and projects from all over the territory, linked to the Social and Solidarity Economy. 💚 Thanks to the organization for taking forward initiatives that are so necessary for the territory and for the social and community fabric, especially in areas where depopulation and the lack of resources and activities are so obvious. 💚 Thank you to all the people who took an interest in the project, our producers and their products. So we hope to meet you at fairs, spaces, talks, etc. in order to make known everything we do, what we have done so far and everything to come. Let’s continue!!